The other morning I was getting dressed and watching the morning news show. They were talking about the legendary Maya Angelou, one of the most profound writers of our time who recently passed away. What the host said got my attention. In speaking of how the great Maya Angelou would be remembered, she said “Her words always had such great…
Don’t jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you saw.
Wow! I read this verse this morning, and boy did it jump out at me. Last week…
It’s that time of year when we all start taking inventory of our lives. We consciously think about how we can improve ourselves, our life in general, and the lives of our family. We call it making New Year’s resolutions. Over the weekend, I was thinking about these things myself, in regards to my own personal life. Of course, there are things I want to improve. I made a list full of the “usual’s” – new fitness goals, new spiritual goals, new financial goals, new plans for my little one, etc. And, of course, the number one New Year’s resolution of all – Follow through on the resolutions!
So, the holidays are upon us, and oh how excited I am! This is absolutely my most favorite time of year; and this year, I have a little one to make it even more fun! Up first is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is about so much more than turkey and football. It should be a time to give thanks. No matter what the circumstances of your life are, you should always be thankful. If you are honest with yourself, there is always much to be thankful for.
Why are so many people so hesitant to take action in life? We are afraid to fail, afraid that something might not work out, afraid of what people might think! We are afraid, period. This is such a shame. The Bible clearly tells us in II Timothy 1:7 that we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Our Heavenly Father is not so concerned with our screw ups. He is not so concerned with what we don’t do. He is concerned with what we DO! He is concerned with our actions, specifically how we serve others and how we advance His Kingdom.
And I pray that they would all be one. JOHN 17:21
He sent me to give them flowers in place of their sorrow, olive oil in place of their tears, and joyous praise in place of broken hearts. They will be called “Trees of Justice,” planted by the Lord to honor his name.
Isaiah 61:3 CEVU
It’s the weekend (YEA!!), and I am sitting here enjoying my morning and getting my hair done. Every girl needs a few moments to pamper themselves; and thankfully my husband agrees, so he has my darling Emery for the morning. Ben, my hairstylist and friend, and I are here chatting about the upcoming One Women’s Conference. What an incredible time it is going to be! As he scanned through the advertisement, he casually asked me the who’s, what’s and why’s of the conference, which prompted me to share with you.