‘Tis the Season to Have Boundaries

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The Holidays are here; and hopefully, you are as excited as I am. I love celebrating with family, the traditions, baking, gifts, shopping, and decorating. It’s all so much fun, and it should be! But, with all the hustle and all the fun can also come a whole lot of stress; and this, my friend, is not what Christmas is supposed to be about!

How can you avoid the stress of the season? Here are some of my favorite tips:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The Holidays are here; and hopefully, you are as excited as I am. I love celebrating with family, the traditions, baking, gifts, shopping, and decorating. It’s all so much fun, and it should be! But, with all the hustle and all the fun can also come a whole lot of stress; and this, my friend, is not what Christmas is supposed to be about!

How can you avoid the stress of the season? Here are some of my favorite tips:

1. Decide what really matters to you.

Maybe for you, the highlight of Christmas is the food. Maybe it’s time with family. Whatever it is, decide what really matters to you and then prioritize it so you make sure what you value is what you experience and what you put your energy and effort into. The great thing about knowing what matters is that it helps you also recognize and avoid what doesn’t matter to you!

2. Set a budget.

Nothing creates stress like spending more money on gifts than you should. Don’t be afraid to set a budget for your holidays and STICK TO IT! Determine what you’re comfortable with and don’t stray from that amount. The reward of this is peace, plus not having to worry about paying off an overwhelming credit card bill for months to come in the following year! Do what you’re comfortable with, and don’t feel pressured to do more.

3. Take care of yourself.

The holidays are fun, but they can also be super hectic. It’s so important that you still take care of yourself. Eat well, while enjoying some yummy treats. Get some exercise; you can walk while you carol or shop. Sleep, and don’t forget to pause for some self-care. Taking care of yourself will ensure you’re ready to enjoy all the moments with the ones you love!

4. Get comfortable saying no.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself this holiday season is the freedom to say no. Don’t be afraid to decline an invite. Don’t be afraid to limit your time with individuals that make you uncomfortable. Say no to compromising or uncomfortable situations. Say no to the stuff that stops you from focusing on what really matters to you! Saying no can feel awkward in the moment, but it is so rewarding once it’s done!

5. Make time for Jesus and the ones you love.

Nothing refuels me like making Jesus and church a part of my holidays. Some of my greatest holiday memories have been at Abundant Church with my loved ones. For this to happen, I have to make the time and choose to be present as much as possible and often say no to distractions that try to pull me away or replace this priority. Don’t get caught up in things that take you away from the true reason for the season, Jesus, and make sure you spend as much time as possible with the ones you love! If you do that, I assure you there will be joy, love, and incredible meaning in your holidays this year!

Merry Christmas!


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